If you are new to the idea of a health savings plan, you may jump to the conclusion that such plans are best for those without medical insurance.
While the uninsured can undoubtedly benefit from a plan that gives them immediate savings on out-of-pocket costs for medical care, dental care, and prescription drugs, the insured can benefit from it.
How High Deductible Insurance Coverage Backfired
The introduction and proliferation of high deductible health plans, particularly in connection to the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), was supposed to encourage health care utilization by the people who need it most. However, recent studies have indicated that high deductible plans have done just the opposite.
Because of the higher out-of-pocket demands these plans have created, many of the insured are passing on accessing lower-cost medical procedures, even though they may be necessary or at least advisable. As a result, families are not receiving essential health procedures to prevent future medical problems.
Help for Families With High Deductible Health Insurance Plans
With that fact in mind, we ask that you consider the use of discount healthcare plans for people with high deductible medical insurance plans.
These medical discount programs do not have a deductible (and many have no waiting period!), but they reduce the cost of necessary procedures by as much as 80% or more.
Here’s how a health savings plan works:
The patient selects an approved healthcare provider from their local area. They present their medical service discount cards at the time of service to receive a discounted rate. The patient pays the provider at the time of the service.
Your savings will pay for the plan
These discount plans are affordable. In fact, they often pay for themselves with the amount the family saves on medical visits or prescriptions.
But, more importantly, these savings increase the likelihood that even those who already have health insurance will utilize the lower-cost medical procedures recommended by their physicians.
In other words, a person with a medical services discount card is less likely to say “no” to lab tests, imaging, and other lower-cost procedures.
Medical discount cards can save the insured more money
So, while health savings plans are often seen as a replacement for unaffordable health insurance, they can help the insured save even more money – especially in a world where high deductible health plans are the norm. After all, check-ups, lab tests, and preventative procedures can reduce the likelihood of high-cost health emergencies and hospitalizations, which will reduce your ability to earn a living.
Interested in Learning More About Health Discount Plans?
Do yourself a favor and crunch the numbers. Learn about how medical services discount cards can help you save on your family’s health care costs.
Are you not sure where to start? Visit AmeriPlan for help. For less than the amount you pay each month on your streaming services, you will receive discounted rates at area medical facilities, including your dentist and eye doctor. Additionally, you will save money on your prescription drug costs at your pharmacy.
Contact AmeriPlan today to learn more about our award-winning health savings plans.