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Providers FAQ2023-08-02T16:03:59-05:00




Who is AmeriPlan?2021-06-16T15:11:04-05:00

AmeriPlan is a Discount Medical Plans Organization (DMPO). We arrange for our members to have access to medical, dental, vision, chiropractic and pharmaceutical providers who have agreed to offer their services at negotiated discounts off their usual and customary fees.

How much will it cost to join your network?2021-06-16T15:13:32-05:00

There is no charge to you for participating as an AmeriPlan network provider.

How do I benefit from being an AmeriPlan network provider?2021-06-16T15:14:47-05:00

Our ongoing member enrollment campaign can provide you with a consistent source of new patient opportunities. In addition, AmeriPlan’s mass purchasing power has enabled us to offer our participating providers, their employees and their families a program of plans, services and benefits that will save them money each and every time they are used.

We are also pleased to be able to offer free Dental Plus memberships to all participating healthcare office staff members and their households. These memberships include discounted fees for dental, vision, prescription and chiropractic services. In addition you can purchase our other plan, Deluxe Plus at significantly reduced cost to you.

How long will my agreement be in effect?2021-06-16T15:18:52-05:00

Your initial agreement with AmeriPlan is in effect for one year from the date the agreement is signed and will automatically renew until formal notification of withdrawal from the plan is received from you.

Can I follow my established office policies and practice philosophy?2021-06-16T15:18:30-05:00

AmeriPlan programs do not restrict your methods or philosophies of treatment – those remain strictly between you and your patients. Nor are you required to alter your office policies in any way. We only ask that you charge plan members according to our fee schedule.

How long does the credentialing process take?2021-06-16T15:19:42-05:00

After we receive all required forms and credentials, it will take no more than 3 business days for you to be listed as a participating provider on our website.

What if I am affiliated with another plan?2021-06-16T15:20:37-05:00

Your participation as an AmeriPlan provider is not affected by your participation in other plans. Coordination of benefits is left to your discretion.

How are AmeriPlan members enrolled?2021-06-16T15:21:23-05:00

Most AmeriPlan members have made a personal commitment to take control of their healthcare by signing up as a member independent from any associations. However, we also promote our programs to small to mid size business owners and their employees.

How will AmeriPlan members know I am a participating network provider?2021-06-16T15:22:10-05:00

AmeriPlan members have access to all AmeriPlan healthcare professional’s locations and phone numbers through the AmeriPlan website, Or they may call AmeriPlan Customer Support to find network providers closest to them.

What if a patient needs specialized care?2021-06-16T15:23:05-05:00

If a provider cannot or does not wish to perform a specialty procedure for a plan member he should, when possible, refer the patient to an appropriate participating specialist in his area so that the patient will receive discounted fees for service. If the member goes to a non-participating specialist he will pay the specialist’s usual and customary fees. Healthcare providers do not need to obtain our approval to refer a patient to an AmeriPlan specialist.

What about after-hours emergency care?2021-06-16T15:23:47-05:00

Participating providers that offer after-hours care will be compensated in accordance with the plan fee schedule. As with regular treatment, you will be paid directly by the patient.

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