
Tips on How to Spot Health Insurance Scams Online (2024 Guide)

By |2024-02-01T11:43:46-06:00December 12th, 2022|Medical Discount, News|

In desperate times, people turn to desperate measures. This is one reason why health insurance scams are such a problem. Someone who needs help paying for expensive medical treatments may want to believe in an easy solution – even if it’s too good to be true. But how do you separate

Out-of-Pocket Spending for Prescription Drugs Is Increasing

By |2022-07-29T15:26:18-05:00May 24th, 2022|News, Prescriptions|

Prescription drug use in the U.S. has returned to pre-pandemic levels. While the medication costs have remained flat, the out-of-pocket amount consumers are spending on their medications has increased – according to an April 2022 IQVIA report. In fact, there was a reported $4 billion increase in out-of-pocket costs for patients. This cost matched the

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