AmeriPlan saves!

5.0 stars

AmeriPlan saves! I was stung 5+ times yesterday by bees. Did usual at home remedies…ice, cortizone, etc. Woke up today with right hand completely swollen even going up my arm. Called tele-doc and a steroid prescription was called in to CVS, where I also can use my ‘traditional insurance.’
AmeriPlan drs visit 17.50 + prescription 15.00 = 32.50
Regular Insurance Drs visit 75.00 + prescription 25.00 = 100.00
No Inurance Drs visit 120.00 + prescription 56.00= 176.00
savings AmeriPlan vs Reg Ins. 67.50
savings AmeriPlan vs No Ins. 143.50
Thank you AmeriPlan!

Mary S.

AP saves us even more

5.0 stars

My 12 yr old has asthma and though we normally get his prescriptions through mail order pharmacy with our private insurance, today Dr had to call in RX. Price was $661.73 with only using our AP Rx card it was $58.05 I Love this company and the savings. It’s great knowing in a situation like today AP saves us even more.

Tim H.

AmeriPlan® U ROCK!

5.0 stars

AmeriPlan® saves the day by saving me money AND time. I called our online doctor and got a prescription called in…$50.00 and 2 hours saved AND another $27 saved at the pharmacy. AmeriPlan® U ROCK!

Debikay J.

saved $30 on the scripts

5.0 stars

Ok, just sharing because I think it’s awesome! Kevin has had a nasty (I mean NaStY) cough for about a week. He’s a “guy” and won’t take time off of work to go to the doctor. So, last night (8pm) I convince him to call Telehealth (AmeriPlan’s telemedicine program) and for $17.50, he talked with a doctor, explained what was going on and had a script for antibiotics and steroid called into the 24hour Walgreens. (90% off what our doctors visit would be with our BCBS) the kicker… Walgreens is no longer in network with BCBS, so we use AmeriPlan there too and saved $30 on the scripts! They were only $34, so 50% off there too! Awesome! Obamacare who?

Karin K.

LOVE this plan

5.0 stars

Just got off the phone with one of the physicians with Telehealth and an antibiotic eye drop will be at the pharmacy in 20 minutes for Elijah.. He had a sudden onset of pink eye. Seriously LOVE this plan..don’t have to drag my kids out to a dr. office, cheaper then my regular co-pay, faster service & better bedside manner from the doctor. He ACTUALLY takes his time with me on the phone even though its 11pm.

Laurie K.

savings 46%!

5.0 stars

AP prescription savings: just priced a prescription both my husband and I take daily, the results, our ‘regular’ big ins. co. prescription plan cost $100/mon. for each of us, AP cost $54/mon. for each of us, savings 46%! woohoo!

Mary S.

I only paid $35.80

5.0 stars

Went to the dentist this week for an exam, x-rays and a cleaning. Total bill was $377 but with my AmeriPlan benefits, I only paid $35.80!

Kristie D.

my plan completely covers me

5.0 stars

Used roadside assistance yesterday evening leaving my daughter’s soccer practice. I was pretty far from home so I asked if there was a limit on mileage. She said no limits on how far they will tow, but it only covers up to $75, so depending on what the driver charges… she also said to call them back if they asked for money. Anyway, the driver gets there, and tells me there is NO charge, as my plan completely covers me! And he even helped my husband push the car into the garage, checked under my hood, and gave his advice. Roadside assist called to make sure we made it home. This is the 2nd time I’ve used our roadside thru member services, and I’ll tell you, I’ve NEVER had better roadside assistance before, even when I paid cash out of pocket. That’s $75 (at least) that I’ve saved this month, on top of all my little savings and discounts.

Samantha C.

I’m SO grateful

5.0 stars

I’m SO grateful! I’ve had the crud & feeling awful, but a phone call and $17.50 later and I’m set to go. Only had to call my hero, Telehealth, and I had my doctor visit on the phone. He diagnosed me & called in a prescription. I’m still in my gown & didn’t have to get out in this yucky weather. What a blessing!

R. Smith

regular price over $900, AmeriPlan price $200

5.0 stars

Medical (pediatrician): regular price $75, AmeriPlan price $52 Medical (GP): regular price (first visit) $220, AmeriPlan price $130 Dental cleaning (no x-rays): regular price $140, AmeriPlan price $50 Blood work/strep test: regular price $130, AmeriPlan price $22 Chest x-ray: regular price $140, AmeriPlan price $40 Lots of blood tests: regular price over $900, AmeriPlan price $200 Dental cleaning: regular price $140, AmeriPlan price $50 Dental crown: regular price $1100, AmeriPlan price $565.

Sheila B.

Thank you AmeriPlan

5.0 stars

My mother saved a total of $800 with her dentures at aspen dental, Thank you AmeriPlan.

Debbie H.

Saved fuel, time & money

5.0 stars

No need to wait for dr’s office to be open when you have Telehealth. Called today, no rx needed just rest. Got to love that! Saved fuel, time & money just with a phone call. Focus this week… kick this cold out of our house for good!

Debbie H.

you only paid half

5.0 stars

I just want to share a powerful testimony on how much money I saved on my medication with AmeriPlanUSA. I had an abscess in my gums on last week. I went to the ER and the doctor prescribed me two different kinds of medication. One for the infection and the second one for the pain. My husband went to the Pharmacy to fill my prescriptions. He gave them the 2 prescription as well as our prescription card from AmeriPlanUSA. When he arrived to pick up my medication, he asked the cashier how much is it she said $60.00. He asked her how much did he save. She stated it was $120.00 and you only paid half. He said oh thank you very much. Medical Services at a Discounted Price is Excellent for those who would like to save on all of their Services, Medical, Dental Vision, Chiropractor Care and Of course last but Definitely not least on ALL of your MEDICATIONS!

Tanya W.

Love AmeriPlan

5.0 stars

My wife’s doctor changed her Diabetic prescription. Her bill would have been $44. with AmeriPlan she paid $6.Love AmeriPlan!

Patrick H.

saved money on complete dental treatment

5.0 stars

I saved money on complete dental treatment for my mother by using AmeriPlan discount benefits thanks to smart practices like Great Oak Dental in Arlington, TX… We received quote for 2,100.00 and paid $1471.00 total savings $629.00.

Christina P.


5.0 stars

Thanks to AmeriPlan, I was relieved of almost $7,000 in hospital bills. When I went to the ER for my shoulder back in August I received exams, x-rays, and an MRI totally almost $7,000! I called the Medical Advocate with my AmeriPlan coverage and they started the process. Salem Hospital dropped the ball numerous times, they took 4 months to process my paperwork and even sent me to collections (even though THEY had not processed my paperwork!) But the Medical Advocate did all that I expected and managed to get my ER visit covered 100%! I did not have to pay a penny! NOT A SINGLE PENNY! AmeriPlans products and services are amazing; the medical advocate at Karis Group, Elyse, was easy to work with and kept in regular contact. Two thumbs up!

Jessica B.

I was shocked!

5.0 stars

I used my AmeriPlan benefits yesterday evening for the first time. I was shocked! My prescription medication was cut in half by AmeriPlan! Very happy to be joining this team! I have medical insurance already but AmeriPlan helps with what my insurance won’t cover.

Heather H.

NO out of pocket costs

5.0 stars

Saturday nite, my husband and I went out for some drinks and dancing with friends. Went to our friends house afterward, and when we got out of the car, we locked our keys in it! Ugh! Called member services for roadside assistance, and the lady was SUPER friendly and helpful, despite it being 2:30 a.m. She stayed on the phone while mapping our location to be SURE to send them to the right place, dispatched assistance, and they were there within half an hour, got the door unlocked immediately, was nice the whole time, and NO out of pocket costs to us at all! (Of course I figured lock out isn’t over $75….but being that late, thought we may have to pay something). Then right after, member services called back to make sure the driver had arrived and that we weren’t waiting outside in the cold, as they had looked up the weather in our area! Awesome service!

Samantha P.

I *LOVE* Telehealth

5.0 stars

I *LOVE* Telehealth! Called AmeriPlan’s telemedicine service this morning as I have a yucky sore throat. The DR called back within a few minutes and consulted me over the phone. As it turns out, I did not need a RX but just some OTC meds. The DR told me exactly which ones I need and was very helpful. So this call saved me a lot of time and money! Would you like access to speak with a DR available 24 / 7 for advice, diagnosis or RX?

Laura H.

only cost me $10

5.0 stars

Had to pick up a prescription for my little one that would have cost me about $30. Pulled out my AmeriPlan card for the first time, and it only cost me $10…I will definitely take that $20 savings any day!

Lisa W.

Don’t have to miss work

5.0 stars

I love AmeriPlan’s Telehealth Service! Within 1 hour I spoke to the doctor over the phone, got diagnosed and he called in a script to my pharmacy. I picked up my antibiotic and took my first dose for $21.00! The first time you call in starts a file for you just like your PCP office has for you. Don’t have to miss work to run to the doctor’s office anymore, saves me time and money!

Jamie B.

they wanted more info

5.0 stars

I went to CVS yesterday to pick up a prescription for my daughter. Her mother has one of the bigger name insurance agencies in the area. I asked for the script and the attendant came back with it and said that will be $99. I asked her if she ran the insurance card and she said “yes, it was $170 before I ran the insurance”. I said “Wow, do me a favor and forget the insurance and try this card” as I handed her my AP card. She ran the card and said, rather loudly “Wow, I never saw this before…that will be $57″. All of the other staff behind the counter heard her remark and started asking questions about where I got the card. So, I explained to them briefly and they wanted more info and may be interested in joining.

William H.

AmeriPlan saved me so much money

5.0 stars

AmeriPlan saved me so much money. I take medications daily and found out that without insurance it costs about 10 times more. Thank you! I’ve already recommended you to all my friends and especially your health benefit plans.

Morris C.

so excited to save money

5.0 stars

I was so excited to save money on my son’s braces. My in network Orthodontist was able to coordinate with my Cigna which gave me $1000, and AmeriPlan was able to add an additional $1300 for a grand total of $2300 off of my $4500 braces expenses! YEAH!

Laurie K.

no out of pocket costs

5.0 stars

Thanks to AmeriPlan. Through their phenomenal Hospital Advocacy, they saved me $4000 in emergency room fees at Rex Hospital I incurred in December 2012/January 2013. I had no out of pocket costs for my hospital bills. Even traditional insurance won’t do that! I feel so blessed to be a part of this awesome business to not just have the services for myself and my family, but to also help millions of other families suffering from the current healthcare crisis.

Alesha W.

a $41.00 savings

5.0 stars

I went to the doctor’s office on Friday. The medicine she prescribed was not covered by my Part D Medicare prescription plan and was about $68.00. I had Walgreens use AmeriPlan since it wasn’t covered and it was a little over $27.00. That was a $41.00 savings!

Linda L.

thankful AmeriPlan offers a program like this

5.0 stars

I recently saved $63 using Telehealth when my 6 year old was home sick. He had a high temperature and I had no way to take him to his pediatrician and then sit with him waiting, hoping not to get others sick. Instead I called Telehealth and after going over my son’s medical history I spoke with a U.S. based doctor who offered great suggestions and let me know a rx wasn’t needed at that time. I’m thankful AmeriPlan offers a program like this to everyone across the U.S.A.

Debbie H.

save me well over a whopping $8,000

5.0 stars

As a relatively new Freedom Pass Member, I was exploring AmeriPlan’s “Price My Prescription” website to price a medication I take daily. I knew already that, without insurance, the medication costs $9000+ for a 90 day supply. At AmeriPlan, one offer was for $5410. Another offer for a generic brand was $752 for a 90-day supply, which will save me well over a whopping $8,000! Thank you, AmeriPlan!

Todd B.


5.0 stars

I just want to say thank you AmeriPlan for providing the Telehealth plan and thanks to Wendy Farmer for believing in this company enough to become an associate and especially thanks to Dr. Muhammad Emran from Houston, TX. When I called for more info on this plan Wendy returned my call later that evening, thoroughly answered my questions and even took an hour of her time to research rather or not I would be able to get my breathing medicines with this plan. After waiting I got my member cards in the mail and filled out the medical history, at 7:13 PM last night I filled out a request for a consult with a physician, at 7:50 PM Dr Muhammad called me, and consulted with me, not just hi and bye, but CONSULTED! I bet he asked if I had any other questions or concerns at least a half dozen times during the call. Course I live in the boonies so the pharmacy was closed last night, but this morning MY MEDICINE WAS READY TO PICK UP! Now lets see… no sales push signing up … friendly, professional associates/reps, highest quality physicians TOTAL EXCELLENT SERVICE… so yeah I’M HAPPY! I even shared my experience with the pharmacist and THEY WANT TO JOIN! SO AGAIN… THANK YOU!

Joey B.

AmeriPlan gave us the opportunity

5.0 stars

I went to Woodland Smiles Dentistry today and presented my AmeriPlan card for an exam and cleaning for my 12 year old daughter. Woodland Smiles has been our dentist for the past several years and we had not been able to go for about a year due to lack of insurance. AmeriPlan gave us the opportunity to do preventative dental care again. Sarah’s dentist normally charges $75.00 for an exam but with AmeriPlan it only cost $20.00, the cleaning is normally $104.00, but with AmeriPlan’s teal discount I only had to Pay $76.00. I am working hard to build my business but in the mean time using the benefits myself has more than paid for my BC fees.

Lynn B.

they wanted more info

5.0 stars

I went to CVS yesterday to pick up a prescription for my daughter. Her father has one of the bigger name insurances in the area. He works for Hershey Chocolate and they treat their employees well. I asked for the script and the attendant came back with it and said that will be $99. I asked her if she ran the insurance card and she said “yes, it was $170 before I ran the insurancer”. I said “Wow, do me a favor and forget the insurance and try this card” as I handed her my AmeriPlan card. She wasn’t sure what AmeriPlan was but one of the other girls knew and said, “Oh, it’s a discount card.” She ran the card and said, rather loudly “Wow, I never saw this before…that will be $57″. All of the other staff behind the counter heard her remark and started asking questions about where I got the card. So, I explained to them briefly and they wanted more info and may be interested in joining.

Sherry L.

Thank you Telehealth

5.0 stars

In mid August my daughter got very sick with a fever, itchy eyes running nose and coughing. Had just got divorced and had no insurance, moved to a different state and did not know my way around town yet. So it was very scared on what to do. Then I remembered that I had Telehealth so I gave them a call. The doctor called back right away and sent a prescription to my pharmacy. The call only cost me $17.50 and the prescriptions total for two items was $40. Thank you Telehealth you were there when i needed you the most!

Maria R.

50% savings

5.0 stars

In August I went to LensCrafters Palm Desert Ca. to have vision check up and purchase new glasses and used my Dental and Vision card the total bill came to $663.40 and I received $231.50 discount I paid $431.70 out of pocket thats about 50% savings.I’m living proof that it pays to sign up with AmeriPlan Dental, Health cost saving plans.

Lyle M.

Telehealth is awesome

5.0 stars

Telehealth is awesome! I have used the services for both myself and my son during times at which we just couldn’t make into a doctor’s office. Calling in and giving your medical history assessment is easy. After describing symptoms to the nurse and being told a doctor would call me back within an hour, 15-30 minutes later I received that call. The doctor took all of 5 minutes to make the diagnosis and recommend the prescription drug that he would call in for me at my local Wal-Mart pharmacy. The entire experience from that initial call to actually going to Wal-Mart to pick up my Rx was about 2 hours! Telehealth is one of the best add on’s AmeriPlan could have made. Hassle free and low cost when I needed it the most, Thanks Telehealth!

Erin F.

they gave me $37.00 back

5.0 stars

Needing to pick up a prescription for my daughter, I went to my local pharmacy. At the check out counter I presented my AmeriPlan Card to get my discount, the girl behind the counter said that they didn’t take AmeriPlan. So I paid full price of $65.99. When I got home I called Scott Saladin, he in turn called my local pharmacy and talked to them. I went back up there a couple of days later and they gave me $37.00 back. Thank you Scott and AmeriPlan.

Kathie L.

a savings of $4140.00 WOW

5.0 stars

Thank you AmeriPlan ! I had to have 3 root canals and saved a total of $1500.00, I had to go to the Emergency Room for a cut finger and tetnus shot. I went to a local private hospital in Irving, Las Colinas Medical. I was treated for my cut given an antibiotic and Tetnus shot. When I checked out I gave her my AmeriPlan card. The total visit was $1203.00 dollars my discount was $1033.00 I paid a total of $170.00 When I went to fill my prescription it was $137.00 I paid $26.00 a savings of $4140.00 WOW ! I even got a $250.00 discount at Walgreens on medicine ! I love AmeriPlan and so happy to be a member.

Frances B.

my bill went to $0

5.0 stars

I got admitted into Wake Medical Center in Raleigh, NC for 3 days. My bill came to $13,000. Through AmeriPlan’s Hospital Advocacy program, my bill went to $0. Thank you AmeriPlan!

Desmond W.

saved me at least two hours of time

5.0 stars

Recently I had a couple of simple questions regarding on going medical conditions that I felt could probably be answered easily by any licensed physician. I signed on to Telehealth and found the website extraordinarily clear and easy to navigate. I entered my personal information and requested a telephone consultation. I was given the option of having a return call within a scheduled 3-hour block ot time or an immediate return call. Since it was Sunday afternoon I figured an immediate response would be okay to ask for, It was! I barely took my finger off the keyboard before the phone rang. The nicest doctor took the time needed to discuss my questions and provide clear, in depth answers. What did this mean to me? First, I was able to have answers quickly without waiting to make an appointment. In each case it saved me at least two hours of time at the doctor’s office and traveling to and from the doctor’s office and the cost of gas. Since Telehealth is available 24/7, instead of taking time out of my workdays, I was able to spend that time working my AmeriPlan business. Second, because the conditions were each treated by a separate specialist, I saved at least $100 in actual money for office visits. This is not a huge amount, but the ease and convenience of the process was truly amazing.

Mimi M.

Thank you AmeriPlan!

5.0 stars

My blood pressure medication is usually $100/mo., but got started with AmeriPlan dental plus, and only pay $30/mo. for my blood pressure medicine! Thank you AmeriPlan!

Shannon H.

I only paid $320

5.0 stars

Thanks to AmeriPlan USA, my bill at the eye doctor came to $600 including eye exam, 1 month supply of contact lenses, designer frames, and lens, and I only paid $320. Thank you AmeriPlan!

Sheila R.

Save money and make money

5.0 stars

Save money and make money – I love AmeriPlan. Right before Easter, I had to go to the dentist for a deep cleaning. I just got our bill and AmeriPlan has done it again! The total cost for this was $l,024 but with our AmeriPlan discount, which totaled $620, we only have to pay $404. There is no company out there that has the discounts we have!

Pam and Jerry M.

AmeriPlan had her bill paid off

5.0 stars

Thanks to AmeriPlan! I was able to cover my mom on my AmeriPlan Healthcare plan, which she did not have healthcare coverage. Back in October 2011, she was admitted into the hospital for a sudden medical concern regarding leg weakness. She was hospitalized for two days at Rex hospital. I called the hospital advocacy group right away, so I could get an advocate assigned to her case. The representative told me, all my mom had to do was, after being released from the hospital, as soon as her bills exceeded $1,500, send the bills to her. She gave me a direct number where she could be reached. My mom’s hospital bill was $11,000, and AmeriPlan had her bill paid off! Thank You AmeriPlan!

Alesha W.

whole process went very smoothly

5.0 stars

I wanted to write and tell you about the wonderful experience I had using AmeriPlan Health. This was my first opportunity to use it. I needed some lab work done and called the number for a lab provider. They transferred me to Medstat-AmeriPlan Health where I was fortunate to talk to a rep named Chris Nall. He explained the process to me in detail. I told him all the tests I needed and he gave me the prices for each one. Without AmeriPlan Health I would have paid $547, with it I only paid $132, a savings of $415! Not only that but he faxed over all information to the lab, gave me instructions to fast and provided me with a location only a few miles from my house. The whole process went very smoothly. My belief in this product has soared.

Amber M.

I cannot brag on AmeriPlan enough

5.0 stars

I saved $20.00 on my chiropractic visit, $82.00 on my glasses, 30% on my contacts, and $7.00 on some cough medicine. I cannot brag on AmeriPlan enough.

Donna O.

45% savings on my new glasses

5.0 stars

AmeriPlan. That came out to be a 45% savings on my new glasses.

Susan G.

My frames went from $162.00 down to $96.00

5.0 stars

I went to a Lens Crafters for my eye exam and saved $20.00 on the exam alone. I then purchased some new glasses that are name brand. I am about blind as a bat and need to have my lenses thinned so I don’t look like I’m wearing coke bottles! My lenses normally run $240.00 for the lenses ONLY and my new frames normally cost $162.00. My new glasses came out to $402.00 and then I handed them my AmeriPlan Card through Coast to Coast Vision. She gave me my new total of ONLY $219.00. My frames went from $162.00 down to $96.00 and my lenses went from $240.00 to $123.00. I saved a total of $183.00 on my frames and lenses by using AmeriPlan. That came out to be a 45% savings on my new glasses.

Susan G.

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